Breakthrough Barriers to Knowledge Sharing Using Modern Technologies in Academic Libraries in South Africa

Breakthrough Barriers to Knowledge Sharing Using Modern Technologies in Academic Libraries in South Africa

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/IJSKD.347380
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In an increasingly globalized and knowledge-based economy, this study aimed to investigate the adoption of modern technologies for effective knowledge sharing and enhancing knowledge access in academic libraries. The study was underpinned by the organizational knowledge creation theory (OKCT) and knowledge sharing model. The findings reveal that although modern technologies, such as the internet of things (IoT) and blockchain technologies, have been seen as suitable knowledge sharing strategies by many institutions, the level of their adoption is still low in academic libraries in South Africa, especially in the area of knowledge management. Several recommendations are thus made, and among others are the improvement of technology infrastructure and the enactment of policies for promoting knowledge management and sharing.
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Theoretical Framework

The study reviewed different theories and models to give grounded coherence in order to recommend systems and technologies for effective knowledge sharing within academic libraries in South Africa. Organizational knowledge creation theory (OKCT) and the knowledge sharing model were used to underpin this study. The study established a relationship between concepts such as knowledge sharing, organizational culture, information and communication technology, employee knowledge and willingness known as individual factors, and knowledge of management systems and their impact on the phenomenon being investigated to provide profound understanding and explanation of certain processes, actions, events, and structures related to management of knowledge sharing in academic libraries.

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