Capturing the Context of Concepts using the Transaction Graph through a Mobile NHS Case Study

Capturing the Context of Concepts using the Transaction Graph through a Mobile NHS Case Study

Ivan Launders
DOI: 10.4018/IJCSSA.2016010102
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This paper reports the use of Conceptual Graphs and Peirce Logic by enterprise architects, who need to capture conceptual context represented in business terms, which differ conceptually from the same terms used in the medical context. For example, in a UK Mobile NHS case study the medical context drug-drug refers to interactions in a health treatment regime of two or more drugs, where the effects of one drug on another can be increased or decreased, or can produce a new effect that neither produces alone. In a business context drug-drug refers to an economic event and resource impact alert in a patient record database that suggests a new or replacement drug that changes the cost of treatment. The paper explains how TrAM automation can capture typical (canonical) use, focused on economic events and associated resource impacts, and can provide exploration of the Resource, Events, and Agents of the Transaction Model through use of Transaction Graph ontology.
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1. Introduction

This paper further evaluates and refines the Transaction Graph based on Sowa’s theory of Conceptual Graphs (Sowa, 1984) using a real life case study. Working with a real life case study provides the opportunity to draw upon previous discussion and lessons learnt and therefore further refine Transaction Agent Model (TrAM) automation (Hill and Polovina 2008, Launders 2011, Launders 2012, Polovina and Hill 2007).

Lack of IT support at the point of treatment can restrict the quality of medical care provided by a mobile clinical workforce (Coiera, 2003, and Health Insider, 2008). A UK Mobile NHS solution provided access to patient records at their homes in an attempt to improve IT support for clinicians at the point of treatment. By analysing the results of mobile NHS trial and modelling the system at a conceptual level, it is possible to visualise patterns of behavior to look for efficiency improvements. Mobile NHS as a system is a mixture of mobile technology, process, people and their surroundings. Mobile technology can be used in multiple, and sometimes unexpected ways, the design challenge is how best to model that complexity.

The Mobile NHS case study is based upon a three month UK National Health Service trial using mobile devices to access patient records. The trial revealed an abundance of design goals, benefits and requirements. Examples of which are described by the stakeholders in Table 1. An initial view of these requirements showed a number of design goals to be modelled. In addition to the design objective challenges include:

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