Choosing Web 2.0 Tools for Instruction: An Extension of Task-Technology Fit

Choosing Web 2.0 Tools for Instruction: An Extension of Task-Technology Fit

Saurabh Gupta
DOI: 10.4018/ijicte.2014040103
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The growth of technology and the inclusion of “digital natives” as students in the education world have created a demand pull for the use of Web 2.0 technologies in education. Dominant among these tools have been wikis, blogs and discussion boards. Distance education experts view the use of these tools as differentiators when compared to traditional education methods. However, the research in this area has yet to provide clear guidelines on usage. In this paper, the authors aim to provide a theory-driven model to outline the application and impact of these technologies in education. The authors focus on the education tasks and technologies characteristics to evaluate the underlying fit. The authors use the extant research to substantiate the model and provide practitioner guidelines.
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A Framework For Understanding Outcomes And Usage

Missing from both Educational and IS literature is a focus on interaction between pedagogical task complexity and technology structural dimensions. When using technology tools, the technology characteristics should positively support the needs of the pedagogical task, thus outlining an argument for a contingency perspective on interaction (Goodhue & Thompson, 1995). Figure 1 summarizes the model.

Figure 1.

Conceptual model


The first input into the system is the technology (since that is the variable of interest in this paper). The original conceptualization of TTF focused on understanding the technology features; i.e., the ability to write on the wiki. However, this conceptualization has not produced consistent results (Goodhue, 2006). Thus, we expand this concept to focus on three structural dimensions of the technology – communication support, process structuring and information processing. These dimensions help us understand the nature and the purpose of the technologies. The second input into the system is the pedagogical task itself. To understand the variety of pedagogical tasks, we look at the underlying epistemological assumptions of these tasks as well as the underlying complexity involved.

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