Client-Side Detection of Clickjacking Attacks

Client-Side Detection of Clickjacking Attacks

Hossain Shahriar, Hisham M. Haddad
Copyright: © 2015 |Pages: 25
DOI: 10.4018/IJISP.2015010101
(Individual Articles)
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Clickjacking attacks are emerging threat for web application users where click operations performed by victims lead to security breaches such as compromising webcams and posting unintended messages. Effective client-side defense technique could prevent the possible victims. This paper presents a client side approach to detect clickjacking attacks. The authors' approach examines web page requests and responses; the proposed approach is designed to detect advanced attack types such as cursorjacking, double click, and history object-based attacks. They evaluate the proposed approach with a set of legitimate and malicious websites. The results indicate that our approach has low false positive and false negative rates. The overhead imposed by the proposed approach is negligible.
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2. Illustrative Example

We illustrate an example code snippet mimicking a clickjacking attack based on Facebook “Like” action. Here, the GUI element for “Like” is being hidden in an iframe of a web page controlled by an attacker. The attacker hides the GUI element by making the iframe invisible based on Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) features.

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