Cognitive Processes of the Elderly Brain with MindGym Approach

Cognitive Processes of the Elderly Brain with MindGym Approach

Jurij Tasic, Darja Rudan Tasic, Andrej Vovk, Dusan Šuput, Shushma Patel, Dilip Patel, Marjan Gusev, Sasko Ristov
DOI: 10.4018/IJSSCI.2015100102
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MindGym is an approach for improving the quality of life of the elderly by applying cognitive processes and mind gymnastics in order to keep them active in vital mental shape. The target is to influence mental conditions that lead to mental disorders, such as depression, dementia, sedentariness, cognitive decline and personality disorders, mostly present in elder people, but also experienced by youngsters. The idea is to develop a prototype interactive system for creating everyday mind gymnastics, which is based on recommended audio-visual content, IPTV, social networks, cloud enabled devices and applications. Furthermore, it will enable detecting the abnormal changes in the elderly brain by using fMRI and EEG technologies for various stimuli. The authors give an overview of current research and projects in the area and define the basic objectives of planned MindGym research activities. Several experiments are conducted in order to prove the hypothesis that various types of music stimulate the brain differently, which can be used as mental activities for elderly.
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2. Objectives

The establishment of an integrated preventative and therapeutic strategy accomplishes the following primary goals:

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