Creating Awareness for Using a Wiki to Promote Collaborative Health Professional Education

Creating Awareness for Using a Wiki to Promote Collaborative Health Professional Education

James Heilman
Copyright: © 2012 |Pages: 2
DOI: 10.4018/ijudh.2012010113
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This publication on the use of a wiki in Bangladesh offers a glimmer of hope that the times are changing with respect to medical publication. People learning how to operate in the wiki environment are giving them a voice on the world stage and medical practitioners and educators cannot afford to ignore these developments. The question that remains to be answered, is how do advocates of open source knowledge get busy colleagues and students to donate their time? A number of possibilities are currently being examined by Wikipedia including: co-publication of high quality work both on Wikipedia and within a peer-reviewed, PubMed-indexed journal and scholarship awards to students who make significant contributions to these sources.
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