Current Development of Ontology-Based Context Modeling

Current Development of Ontology-Based Context Modeling

Leila Zemmouchi-Ghomari
Copyright: © 2018 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/IJDAI.2018070103
(Individual Articles)
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Any information used to characterize the situation of an entity: a person, a place, or an object, can be considered as context. Indeed, context is crucial to avoid semantic ambiguity in data interpretation. However, linking data to its context is a recognized research issue. Adopting an ontology-based approach to model formally the context enables automatic interpretation and reasoning capabilities. This article discusses the main context modeling approaches based ontology by highlighting their principles, scenarios, use cases, benefits, and challenges to explore the use of ontologies to represent contexts.
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2. Context Definition

The term context (from Latin: contextus; also known as material context and abstract or symbolic context), is the set of circumstances (material or abstract) that occur around a given event, or event, that is reliably proven; in the testimonies of people of proven reputation by means of the human voice, spoken, written message, ancient spellings, ancient manuscripts, in stone, letters, documents, history books, newspapers, internet, TV, radio, modern audiovisual media or others, and transmitted, without distortion to the senses (of reason, sight, hearing, taste, touch or smell) of the people of the future.

In the field of Ubiquitous Computing, many definitions have been proposed for this notion (Barkat, 2017). (Abowd et al., 1999) identified these different definitions, analyzed them, and classified them into three categories:

  • Definitions by enumeration of examples: The context is defined by listing examples: the location, the time, the identity of the user;

  • Synonym definitions: Context is defined using synonyms: environment, user situation, and application settings;

  • Specific definitions: The context is defined in a specific way to its field of application.

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