Customer Perspective of CRM Systems: A Focus Group Study

Customer Perspective of CRM Systems: A Focus Group Study

Shan L. Pan
Copyright: © 2005 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/jeis.2005010105
(Individual Articles)
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The 1990s has been a boom period of enterprise systems (ES). Many organizations have experienced the technical, integration and business process re-engineering benefits of implementing ES. As of today, a number of ES have been developed, namely customer relationship management systems (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. In particular, CRM systems have gained significant interest, both in the industry as well as in the academic area, in the recent years. The understanding of the customer’s perspective would help to define the CRM systems to better cater to the customers’ needs in achieving their loyalty and satisfaction. With a better understanding from the point of the customers, management would be able to plot their directions in their CRM endeavour. Therefore, this research intends to look at CRM systems from the perspective of the customer through the conduct of focus group discussion.

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