Descriptive Analytics of MOOCs With ICT in Respect of Developed Countries and Indian Context

Descriptive Analytics of MOOCs With ICT in Respect of Developed Countries and Indian Context

Harsh Vardhan Pant, Manoj Chandra Lohani, Jeetendra Pande
DOI: 10.4018/IJICTHD.2019100102
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The advances in technology and changing demand from students and business as well as the possibility for reducing costs and generating income has led to a MOOC explosion. Over the last years, massive open online courses (MOOCs) have received a great deal of attention from the academic community, the business and the media. The boost of MOOC initiatives in India is connected with several crucial issues – Promoting Digital India, SarvaSiksha Abhiyan, population and infrastructure and the business model specific educational needs, gaps, and necessities. The present article gives a brief idea of the MOOCs, needs of MOOCs in Indian context, challenges of MOOCs, and comparative analysis of ICT and MOOCs conditions in different countries.
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Literature Review

In this section, the authors attempt to introduce three broad themes emerging from an analysis of the international MOOC literature. Exploration of the regional situations of European and Indian nation, challenges of MOOCs and needs of MOOCs in the Indian context such as the one undertaken in this research could contribute to enrich the current understanding of MOOCs and throw new light on these themes.

MOOC Participation in Different Countries

Available details on the locations of MOOC participants show that a large majority of participation is from North America and Europe (Liyanagunawardena, Williams, & Adams, 2014). There is very limited participation from Asia and even less from Africa. For example, (Miller & Odersky, 2013) show the participant distribution in the MOOC ‘Functional Programming Principles in Scala’ graphically, both as number of participants per country and as number of participants per country relative to the respective countries’ population, which clearly illustrates the lack of participation from Asia and Africa. On the other hand, there were a large proportion of participants (relative to countries’ population) from Norway, Sweden, Finland and Switzerland in the MOOC. Koutropoulos, et al. (2012), described the geographical distribution of participants and stated that “there was a large concentration of participation in Europe and North America with little participation in South America, Africa, Asia and Oceania.”

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