Design and Development of 3D Printed Teaching Aids for Architecture Education

Design and Development of 3D Printed Teaching Aids for Architecture Education

Min Jeong Song, Euna Ha, Sang-Kwon Goo, JaeKyung Cho
Copyright: © 2018 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/IJMBL.2018070106
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This article describes how the implementation of 3D printing in classrooms has brought many opportunities to educators as it provides affordability and accessibility in creating and customizing teaching aids. The study reports on the process of fabricating teaching aids for architecture education using 3D printing technologies. The practice-based research intended to illustrate the making process from initial planning, 3D modeling to 3D printing with practical examples, and addresses the potential induced by the technologies. Based on the investigation into the current state of 3D printing technologies in education, limitations were identified before the making process. The researchers created 3D models in both digital and tangible forms and the process was documented in textual and pictorial formats. It is expected that the research findings will serve as a guideline for other educators to create 3D printed teaching aids, particularly architectural forms.
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3D Printing Technology In Education With A Focus On 3D Printed Teaching Aids

According to the Wohler’s Report 2013, the global printing market is anticipated to reach $8.6 billion by 2020 (Columbus, 2015). Currently, North America and Europe lead the 3D printing market and will remain the largest, while other regions including Asia-Pacific markets are expected to proliferate (Grunewald,2016). In an attempt to stimulate the development of additive manufacturing technology and the growth of the industry, the Korean government announced a 10-year plan in 2014. It is expected that the Korean government will provide 227 libraries and 5585 schools with desktop 3D printers by 2017 (NIA,2014; Saunders, 2017).

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