Design of S-Band Antenna With L-Shaped Slits on Rectangular Patch With Defected Ground Structure

Design of S-Band Antenna With L-Shaped Slits on Rectangular Patch With Defected Ground Structure

Ketavath Kumar Naik, Ravi Kumar Palla, Sriram Sandhya Rani, Dattatreya Gopi
DOI: 10.4018/IJMTIE.2018070104
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Monopole L-shaped slits are embedded on rectangular patch antenna is designed for S-band applications. The proposed antenna is a square patch radiator with four L-shaped slits are presented. The proposed antenna radiates at 3GHz resonance frequency with bandwidth of 1.9GHz and -26.4dB return loss. The impedance bandwidth is enhanced 62.7% with proposed antenna model. The proposed L-shaped slit patch antenna is small in size and compact. The radiation pattern is presented in the results and it works at S-band applications.
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In modern communication scenarios the importance of the antenna design and development of compact and inexpensive planar structure with wide bandwidth is accelerated by the rapid development for wireless services. Wireless communication continues to witness huge growth and wide range of variety applications. Broadband wireless devices are attracting attention with the importance of RF communications in all aspects. In several wireless communication devices antennas are required to operate in a single band with a wider bandwidth. The crucial challenge in the designing of broadband antennas is to reduce the overlap of the bandwidth, with a compact, low profile design. A compact and light weight radiating element that exhibits adequate radiation performance is a more important factor in a new generation communication for wireless applications. Indeed, light weight, large bandwidth, and gain are the major needs for single-band radiators of innovative electromagnetic (EM) devices. Microstrip patch antennas are preferable in these devices. Handling of microstrip antenna, aperture stack patch (ASP) (Targonski, 1998; Waterhouse, 2003), while guaranteeing compactness, radial symmetry, and the operating band for standard microstrip patch design It was found to be very effective in increasing bandwidth width, gain, easy integration.

It is always required to cover various applications by a single antenna. Planar monopole antenna is used wirelessly simple long-term communication system. In literature, several research on the development of compact antennas have been reported. However, most of the antennas are large and desired bandwidth is difficult to obtain. One of the desirable ways to increase the bandwidth with the reduced antenna dimensions are to consider a slit loaded monopole patch antenna. Planar antennas are used in wireless communication devices with their simple geometry and wide coverage of bandwidth. Due to the light weight and low cost of microstrip patch antenna, it has become an attractive candidate for many applications from ultrahigh speed wireless communication system to modern radar system (Weigand, 2003). Therefore, compact microstrip antennas using is increasing, especially in wireless applications in the S-band radio frequency (RF) range. The researchers have enhanced the impedance bandwidth of microstrip antennas (Wong, 2000) and miniaturization (Iwasaki, 1996). Bandwidth expansion techniques are used for the antenna with thicke substrates, E slot patches, H, U, T-shape slot patches, strips, and loaded slits and shorting pins (Wong, 2004). Several methods to achieve compactness of the microstrip patch antennas are studied (Wong, 1997; Reed, 2001; Shackelford, 2003). To expand the impedance bandwidth, ground plane and band notch characteristics can be obtained. This is accomplished by applying different slots to the radiating patch (Guha, 2011; Khunead, 2007; Hu, 2010). A microstrip feed rectangular shaped patch is considered with a rectangular slot (Khunead, 2007). A novel patch antenna (Hu, 2010) is proposed with a wider open U-slot, and a set of two symmetrically inverted L-shaped slots are used to get the desired frequency. The rectangular patch with embedded U-slot are studied practically on a folded patch antenna with L-probe feed (Islam, 2009). A novel broadband circular patch antenna (Lu, 2003) is proposed, L-shaped slots are used to enhance the bandwidth and to tune the frequency. Asymmetric CPW-fed SRR Patch Antenna (Kumar Naik K, 2018) is suggested for WLAN/WiMAX applications. A compact planar monopole antenna (Elsheakh, 2009) is proposed for UWB applications. Semi-circular structures used as a patch and ground to enhance the bandwidth. A compact monopole wideband L-shaped slot antenna (Mousavi, 2010) is proposed with a C-shaped feed. A novel monopole planar antenna (Li, 2017) is considered for dual resonant band applications. The antenna contains a modified ground structure with a L-shaped monopole structure with inverted L-strips. Tradeoffs are made among these technologies, with shape optimization are presented in research.

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