Developing Sustainable Relationships Through Organizational Citizenship Behavior: An Indian Context

Developing Sustainable Relationships Through Organizational Citizenship Behavior: An Indian Context

Vivek Tiwari
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/IJABIM.2019010103
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The article serves the purpose of identifying the behaviors an employee could display resulting in managers' satisfaction and hence strengthening the relationship. To investigate the proposed behaviors in this model, employees' organizational citizenship behavior's (OCB) role as a motivating behavior, was been examined. The sample includes 206 managers/supervisors from different private banks. Using Herzberg's two-factor theory the findings imply that, three types of behaviors, i.e. motivational, indifferent and hygiene can be identified. These findings indicate that of these five established dimensions of OCB, three dimensions (viz. altruism, sportsmanship, and conscientiousness) are motivational in nature; one of the dimensions which is courtesy is under hygiene category; lastly, the fifth one, i.e., civic virtue, is an indifferent type. Overall, it has been found that OCB is a motivational behavior. The results of this study can help employees in understanding what kind of their behaviors causes managers' satisfaction.
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2. Plan Of The Paper

The paper begins with the introduction section defining the various variables which are art of the study. Then the Literature Review section discusses the different variables of the study and what all kind of relevant relationships have been investigated among them till date. Methodology section includes justification for the research area with already available theories from the published works. After theoretical justification the study clarifies how the research question was framed, and subsequently the hypothesis development. Then comes method which explains the sample and its justification there-off, followed by the instrument used. Further comes findings of the study which presents the analysis and interpretation of the data. This is followed by the discussion section that further explains the interpretation and its standing in the present scenario with the help of previous studies too. Managerial implications section discusses the practicality of the paper and its contributions towards the discipline of management. At the last we have limitations and conclusions followed by the references.

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