Digital Storytelling: An Alternative Way of Expressing Oneself

Digital Storytelling: An Alternative Way of Expressing Oneself

Taralynn Hartsell
DOI: 10.4018/IJICTE.2017010107
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Digital storytelling has many implications in teaching and learning. As a way to communicate ideas, experiences, beliefs, and topics to an audience through the use of technology and multimedia, digital stories help storytellers acquire many different skills and literacies. The most important aspect is that the storyteller learns to create stories using their personal voice and interpretation to be shared with a larger community. Self-expression is encouraged and confidence can be developed through the creation of digital stories. This paper examines digital storytelling from an instructional and learning perspective. Areas such as the implications of digital storytelling in education, the process of planning and developing stories, and a discussion of various tools to create digital stories are included. Digital storytelling can provide storytellers with an avenue for conveying ideas and information that are personal in nature or more informational.
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Digital storytelling is not a new concept. Novelty of this activity has gained popularity with the emergence of different media and technology available to storytellers. As access to digital and Web-based technology improves, the art of digital storytelling has taken shape and is used by educators and students alike as a form of creative communication. Because digital stories are created by a single or collective storyteller, the final works incorporate creativity and self-expression in recounting events, people, concepts, and more.

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