Distrust of Employers, Collectivism, and Union Efficacy

Distrust of Employers, Collectivism, and Union Efficacy

Jack Fiorito, Daniel G. Gallagher
Copyright: © 2013 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/ijep.2013100102
(Individual Articles)
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This study examines relations between indicators of knowledge work and worker attitudes toward employers, collective action, and union efficacy. Previous writing on these relations are used to develop hypotheses. Data are drawn from the 2009 Young Workers Survey. Results fail to show any statistically significant main effect relations between knowledge work indicators and the worker attitudes examined, despite a sample size sufficient to detect at least medium effect sizes. Further, there is very limited support for moderator effects. A discussion section discusses limitations, implications, and issues for future research.
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Literature, Theory, And Hypotheses

Despite the lack of definitional precision for “knowledge work” there exists a considerable body of academic and practitioner literature which touts the centrality of knowledge work and knowledge-based industries (e.g., Blackler, 1995; Casey, 2004; Mosco, 2008). As noted by Soete (2001), the present debate surrounding the “knowledge-driven,” “learning,” or “knowledge-based” economy or “information society” suggests that the widespread diffusion of information and communication technologies (ICTs) is ushering society into an entirely new or “post-industrial” era. This is a new era where value-added has shifted away from material production and handling towards greater emphasis on “immaterial content” (Soete, 2001: 146).

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