DynComm: An R Package for Evolving and Dynamic Community Detection in Social Networks

DynComm: An R Package for Evolving and Dynamic Community Detection in Social Networks

Rui Portocarrero Sarmento, Luís Lemos, Mário Cordeiro, Giulio Rossetti, Douglas Cardoso
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 25
DOI: 10.4018/IJOSSP.287614
(Individual Articles)
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The analysis of dynamics in networks represents a great deal in the social network analysis research area. To support students, teachers, developers, and researchers in this work, the authors introduce a novel R package, namely DynComm. It is designed to be a multi-language package used for community detection and analysis on dynamic networks. The package introduces interfaces to facilitate further developments and the addition of new and future developed algorithms to deal with community detection in evolving networks. This new package aims to abstract the programmatic interface of the algorithms, whether they are written in R or other languages, and expose them as functions in R.
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2. Background

Figures 1 and 2 show examples of contact Evolving Network. Figure 1 shows a labelled aggregate network where the labels denote the times of contact, and Figure 2 shows a time-line plot, where each of the lines corresponds to one vertex and time runs from left to right.

Figure 1.

Labelled aggregate network: time of contact

Figure 2.

Time line 1


Figures 3 and 4 show examples of interval Evolving Network. Figure 3 shows the labelled aggregate network where the labels denote the time interval of the relation, and Figure 4 shows a time-line plot, where each of the lines corresponds to one vertex and grey zones the time duration between two edges.

Figure 3.

Labelled aggregate network: time interval of relation

Figure 4.

Time line 2


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