The Efficacy of Case Method Teaching in an Online Asynchronous Learning Environment

The Efficacy of Case Method Teaching in an Online Asynchronous Learning Environment

Charlie C. Chen, Rong-An Shang, Albert Harris
Copyright: © 2006 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/jdet.2006040106
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Case method teaching is a method of instruction that can improve the cognitive learning process. This method is used extensively in face-to-face classes. However, when it is applied to a distance education class in an online asynchronous environment, learning outcomes may differ. This article reports on a study that compares the use of case method teaching in face-to-face and online asynchronous environments. Four hypotheses on student performance were proposed. Correlation analysis supported all of the hypotheses. Other interesting findings regarding online learning also were reported as a result of the data analysis. Overall, an online asynchronous environment can promote students’ participation in certain cases; however, cognitive learning gains do not seem to be as high as in the face-to-face environment. With distance education becoming more prevalent, this is a rich area for future research.

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