Electronic Multi-User Randomized Circuit Training For Workout Motivation

Electronic Multi-User Randomized Circuit Training For Workout Motivation

Corey A. Graves, Sam Muldrew, Tiara Williams, Jerono Rotich, Eric A. Cheek
DOI: 10.4018/japuc.2009010102
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The Electronic Multi-User Randomized Circuit Training (EMURCT) system has been developed using pervasive computing concepts to address the issues of monotony and lose of motivation in routine circuit training workouts. EMURCT is implemented with 7 PDA’s (used by 7 trainees using a 7 station circuit) and 1 desktop computer that aids in the synchronization of the PDA’s (i.e. preventing trainees from using the same stations simultaneously). By randomly generating station sequences and round times for each trainee, EMURCT is capable of producing a totally different workout session every time. This has the potential of keeping trainees from getting bored while undertaking a circuit training workout regimen, which could lead to abandonment of training. This approach also supports the physical training concept known as muscle confusion, which some fitness experts believe greatly enhances the physical gains for trainees. Here the development of the EMURCT System is described, and the results of preliminary performance and robustness evaluations are presented.

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