Enhancing Cyberweapon Effectiveness Methodology With SE Modeling Techniques: Both for Offense and Defense

Enhancing Cyberweapon Effectiveness Methodology With SE Modeling Techniques: Both for Offense and Defense

C. Ariel Pinto, Matthew Zurasky, Fatine Elakramine, Safae El Amrani, Raed M. Jaradat, Chad Kerr, Vidanelage L. Dayarathna
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/IJCWT.2021070104
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A recent cyberweapons effectiveness methodology clearly provides a parallel but distinct process from that of kinetic weapons – both for defense and offense purposes. This methodology promotes consistency and improves cyberweapon system evaluation accuracy – for both offensive and defensive postures. However, integrating this cyberweapons effectiveness methodology into the design phase and operations phase of weapons systems development is still a challenge. The paper explores several systems engineering modeling techniques (e.g., SysML) and how they can be leveraged towards an enhanced effectiveness methodology. It highlights how failure mode analyses (e.g., FMEA) can facilitate cyber damage determination and target assessment, how block and parametric diagraming techniques can facilitate characterizing cyberweapons and eventually assess the effectiveness of such weapons and conversely assess vulnerabilities of systems to certain types of cyberweapons.
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With the current increase in technology, the world is shifting towards digitization, making it more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. This continuous shift in various dimensions of risk – including those in the cyber realm – is characteristic of the complex nature of risk itself (Pinto et al. 2012). These cyber-attacks are proven to be of great damage to companies, customers, and nations, which makes cybersecurity a necessity (DiMase et al., 2015). Cybersecurity has become one of the most important topics globally, as countries worldwide provided their stance on cybersecurity (Klimburg, 2012; Tatar, Ü, et al., 2014). Systems engineering methodologies can be acquired to enhance cybersecurity for addressing cybersecurity issues. For example, Bayuk et al. (2011) highlighted beneficial systems engineering strategies that can solve frequent system security problems. In their work, Bayuk et al. (2011) focused on the benefits systems engineers can provide to the cybersecurity issue. In this paper, we merge two methodologies, a cyberweapons assessment methodology and a systems engineering methodology, to show the utility of using systems engineering in the domain of cyberweapon assessment.

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