An Evaluation of Technology Integration in Teaching Statistics: A Multivariate Survey Analysis

An Evaluation of Technology Integration in Teaching Statistics: A Multivariate Survey Analysis

Abdellatif Tchantchane, Pauline Fortes, Swapna Koshy
DOI: 10.4018/jwltt.2012040102
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Teaching and learning in higher education has been influenced by the rapid rate of innovation in technology. A technology intervention was used to teach Foundation Statistics. This paper reports students’ performance relative to those taught statistics using traditional teaching methods. Failure rate was reduced from 34% with traditional teaching to only 14% with the inclusion of technology, and in order to measure students’ perception towards the integration of technology in the subject, a total of 144 students of 30 different nationalities were surveyed at the end of the semester before the final examination. The analysis of the survey highlighted the students’ positive perception independent of their overall performance. Overall, the survey expressed a significant result showing that the use of technology helped students to perform better.
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Integrating Technology In Teaching Statistics

The advent of technology and its widespread use in the 21st century warranted the need to integrate technology in teaching and learning in Neiss (2005). This reform radically affects what we teach and alters our methods of teaching. In 2005, Thomas and Hong (as cited in Neiss, 2005) developed a teaching framework namely pedagogical technology knowledge (PTK), later named as TPCK. This framework acknowledges the use of technology as an important instrument for teaching and asserts the role of technology in linking the subject matter with teaching (Neis, 2005). Figure 1 illustrates the framework of technology, pedagogy, content and knowledge and the dynamics among these as conceived in TPACK. Integration of technology in teaching and learning is about ensuring effective pedagogy. In the case of teaching Statistics too, a substantial change can create strong synergies between technology, pedagogy, and content (Moore, 1997; Velleman, 1995). According to Moore (1997) requiring students to work in groups and discussing their work orally and in writing, using various diagnostic tools to analyze data, and computer-intensive statistical practice facilitates student learning.

Figure 1.

The Venn diagram of TPACK


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