An Exploratory Study to Identify Complementary Resources to the Implementation of Web-Based Applications in a Paint Supply Chain

An Exploratory Study to Identify Complementary Resources to the Implementation of Web-Based Applications in a Paint Supply Chain

Yootaek Lee, Jay Kim, Jeffery G. Miller
DOI: 10.4018/jisscm.2008040103
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This study focuses on identifying (a) the complementary resources that influence the successful implementation of Web-based applications for supply chain management, and (b) the degree to which certain types of complementary resources function to support the successful implementation of Web-based applications. An exploratory case study is employed to identify potential complementary resources that are required for the successful implementation of Web-based applications that support various portions of the supply chain management task. The utility of a potential complementary resource to each Web-based application for a supply chain task is evaluated to determine the relative value of the resource to the Webbased application. A matrix is then developed to show the degree to which a particular complementary resource is utilized to implement Web-based applications. The contribution of this study is to enhance our understanding of how Web-based applications and complementary resources can work together to create competitive advantages in supply chains.

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