Exploring the Role of Service Quality and Knowledge for Mobile Health Services

Exploring the Role of Service Quality and Knowledge for Mobile Health Services

Nabila Nisha, Mehree Iqbal, Afrin Rifat, Sherina Idrish
Copyright: © 2016 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/IJEBR.2016040104
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The use of mobile technology-based services has made healthcare delivery more accessible and affordable in recent times. In fact, mobile health services today act as an effective means of providing healthcare knowledge to users directly from providers. However, the cynical behavior of users regarding this medium of healthcare services often encircles around the quality of such services. The aim of this paper is to examine the role of service quality and knowledge among other underlying factors that can influence future use intentions of m-Health services in the context of Bangladesh. The conceptual model of the study identifies that certain aspects of service qualities like reliability, privacy, responsiveness, empathy and information quality along with facilitating conditions, effort expectancy, performance expectancy and social influence plays an important role in capturing users' overall perceptions of mobile health services. Finally, the study highlights managerial implications, future research directions and limitations from the Bangladesh perspective.
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Literature Review

This study argues that service quality and individual knowledge of health care plays a deterministic role in influencing the future use of m-Health services in the context of Bangladesh. As such, the current practice of m-Health services and its implications in Bangladesh, followed by the research platform of the study has been discussed to determine the gaps for the study.

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