Finding Congruence Between Sensation Seeking, Brand Personality and Purchase Intention: An Empirical Study

Finding Congruence Between Sensation Seeking, Brand Personality and Purchase Intention: An Empirical Study

Reshma Farhat, Bilal Mustafa Khan, Ahmad Faraz Khan
Copyright: © 2012 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/jgc.2012010106
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Human needs give way to the engagement of consumers in different activities which provide avenues for self-expression or to experience the anticipated emotional benefits that differentiate them from others. One such category of consumers is termed as Sensation Seekers. This research study explores the phenomenon of congruence and examines the correlation between sensation, brand personality and purchase intention. The key focus of the study is the brand personality of the automobile brands in India and with the use of multistage methodology, the purchase intentions of sensation seeking is being explored. Data was analyzed statistically and the study concludes that there is no marked difference in the purchase intentions of High and Low Sensation Seeking.
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Review Of Literature

Past researches have thrown light on various aspects of sensation-seeking and brand personality but till date no research has been undertaken for finding the congruence between the two concepts. The relation between the two can be of immense importance to the marketers and can uncover many new unexplored arenas. This study is designed to fill this research gap and to contribute to the growing literature on relationship marketing.

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