On Foundations and Applications of the Paradigm of Granular Rough Computing

On Foundations and Applications of the Paradigm of Granular Rough Computing

Lech Polkowski, Maria Semeniuk-Polkowska
DOI: 10.4018/jcini.2008040105
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Granular computing, initiated by Lotfi A. Zadeh, has acquired wide popularity as a tool for approximate reasoning, fusion of knowledge, cognitive computing. The need for formal methods of granulation, and means for computing with granules, has been addressed in this work by applying methods of rough mereology. Rough mereology is an extension of mereology taking as the primitive notion the notion of a part to a degree. Granules are formed as classes of objects which are a part to a given degree of a given object. In addition to an exposition of this mechanism of granulation, we point also to some applications like granular logics for approximate reasoning and classifiers built from granulated data sets.

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