Foundations and Future Prospects of Standards Studies: Multidisciplinary Approach

Foundations and Future Prospects of Standards Studies: Multidisciplinary Approach

Shiro Kurihara
DOI: 10.4018/jitsr.2008070101
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The standards world has radically changed over the past two decades, especially in international standardization, with an increased impact on business and society, although the essential characteristic of standardization in general; namely, to achieve the optimal order in a given context, remains unchanged. In this article, such evolution of international standardization, caused by its structural adaptation to changes in its environment as well as the origin and history of standardization and standards, are reviewed initially. Subsequently, “standard studies” is advocated as a new academic discipline to comprehensively analyze the problems of standardization and standards from a broader perspective, transcending predominantly technological concerns. Finally, the need to invest in standards research and education is highlighted.

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