Several research teams have developed virtual garment try on systems. There are two main approaches. Movania & Farbiz (2013) and Giovanni et al (2012) use geometry and image based technique to scale an existing 2D or 3D image of a garment to match the size of the customer. Kevelham & Magnenat-Thalmann (2012) use an accurate cloth simulation accelerated on the GPU for fitting garments on a 3D customer body. As one of the goals of our work is for the customer to be able to try on different sizes of garments, our approach is also based on accurate physically based cloth simulation.
Many computer graphics researchers have tackled the physically based cloth modelling problem for the last three decades. Terzopoulos et al. (1987) viewed cloth simulation as a problem of deformable surfaces and used the finite element method and energy minimisation techniques. Later some particle based (Breen et al., 1994; Eberhardt et al., 1996) and energy based (Carignan et al., 1992) methods have been developed challenging the cloth simulation.
Provot (1995) proposed a mass-spring model to describe rigid cloth behaviour, which is much faster than the techniques described above. Its main disadvantage is the unrestricted elasticity of ideal springs. In order to overcome this problem, he applied a position modification algorithm to the ends of the over-elongated springs. Later Vassilev et al. (2001) used a velocity modification approach to solve the super-elasticity problem.