Human Resource Information System Adoption and Implementation Factors: A Theoretical Analysis

Human Resource Information System Adoption and Implementation Factors: A Theoretical Analysis

Sonalee Srivastava, Badri Bajaj, Santosh Dev
DOI: 10.4018/IJHCITP.2020100105
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In the modern era, human resource management is accompanied by the information system which is instrumental in managing human resource processes. In the current competitive and challenging environment, organizational success depends on its effective and efficient human resource. Human resource along with IT professionals can create an environment in an organization for successful adoption of human resource information systems. While considering it as a key factor in modern enterprise management, its burgeoning interest has led to the foundation of this article. The study is to delve deep into the literature and to explore the factors responsible for human resource information system adoption and to identify the barriers in its implementation and to provide suggestions to overcome these barriers. The findings reveal that the factors of human resource information system mentioned in literature are important. These factors should be taken into consideration while adopting Human Resource Information System by integrating Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework with Human-Organization-Technology (HOT) framework.
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A remarkable and constant advancement in technology adopted by various organizations has led to the modification of human resource function and marked its evolution from administrative to strategic domain (Teo, Soon, & Fedric, 2001). With the talented pool of human resource, an organization has been moving toward a knowledge-based economy. Today, organization success widely depends on their talented pool of human resource; they are treated as a strategic asset by an organization and this could be competitively maintained through effective application of Human Resource Information System (HRIS). For generating higher value results, automation of standardized Human Resource Processes is a must have attitude carried by almost every organization. Organizations have been extensively affected by technology (Kossek & Young, 1994) and to overcome the technological impediment, they are adopting the automation of human resource function through the advent of a human resource information system. Correct usage of an information system tends to increase the efficacy and effectiveness of all facets of human resource management like planning, accounting, personnel management, compensation and regulatory analysis (Maditheti & Gomes, 2017).

HRIS facilitates in cost reduction or efficiency gaining. It improves and facilitates client services and enhances employees’ productivity by improving its strategic orientation towards human resource management (Broderick & Bounreau, 1992; Kundu, 2012; NishadNawaz, 2012; Ruël, Bondarouk, & Looise, 2004). According to Hendrickson (2003), “A well designed HRIS can serve as the management tool in the alignment or integration of the human resources department goals with the goals of long-term corporate strategic planning.” The Human Resource Information System is an indispensable part for most of the organizations (Aggarwal & Kapoor, 2012; Nishad Nawaz, 2013; NishadNawaz, 2012).

With the advent of globalization in the late 1980's many organizations have started relying on the computerized management information system for their day-to-day activities (Bal, Bozkurt, & Ertemsir, 2012). In the mid-1980’s HRIS became a major sub-function of Management Information System for many organization. We have applied archival research methodology; the study begins by a literature review of conceptualization of HRIS, its adoption factors and barrier in its implementation. This study has integrated the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE)with Human-Organization-Technology (HOT)frameworks. To begin with the definitions of HRIS, literature is full of various definitions given by various researchers, some are tabulated in Table 1.

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