Impact of E-Collaboration Between Indian Banks and Fintech Companies for Digital Banking and New Emerging Technologies

Impact of E-Collaboration Between Indian Banks and Fintech Companies for Digital Banking and New Emerging Technologies

Narinder Kumar Bhasin, Anupama Rajesh
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 21
DOI: 10.4018/IJeC.2021010102
(Individual Articles)
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At present, the Indian banking system is passing through the journey of revolutionary reforms from traditional banking to e-collaboration of digital banking products and financial technologies (Fintech) companies. They are creating financial disruptions and changing the shape of the payment system. Fintech is a new buzzword in the banking and finance industry which have to combine the core traditional banking liability and lending functions with new financial technology. It's a win-win situation for both Indian banks that have a huge customer base and a wide network of branches. On the other hand, Fintech companies are very strong in technology, but they need to build trust among the customer for the adoption of new digital and Fintech products. This research paper traces the various challenges and opportunities Indian banking system is facing in collaboration and co-invention with Fintech firms.
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Objective Of The Study

  • 1.

    To study the various Fintech innovations, new products, E Collaboration and delivery channels adopted by Indian Banks and Financial Institutions.

  • 2.

    To examine and analyze the impact of Fintech Investments and E Collaborations on adoption of new technology driven products by banks and its customer.

  • 3.

    To compare and contrast the various digital and Fintech collaboration and partnerships adopted through case study of five top Indian banks.

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