Independent Village Development Pattern in Industrial Community 4.0

Independent Village Development Pattern in Industrial Community 4.0

Nur Kholis, Nuril Mufidah
DOI: 10.4018/IJSESD.287887
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The purpose of this study to find out about independent village development programs and activities; analyze the efficiency and effectiveness of programs and independent village development activities. Data was collected through in-depth interview techniques, observation, and documentation and focus group discussion. The results; independent village development programs and activities include; efficient and accountable government management; Village economic development, activities of joint business groups, village-owned enterprises, and construction of village souvenir centers; Integrated environmental management, its activities are to build a waste charity center, promoting environmentally friendly tree planting; Character development of the community, its activities are supporting the Al-Qur'an educational institutions, supporting the activities of youth/community/religious groups, establishing centers for community learning activities and community reading parks. independent village development programs and activities are quite efficient and effective.
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Community independence needs to continue to be cultivated, as part of achieving national development goals, namely the formation of a just, prosperous and prosperous society (Bradshaw, 2007). Welfare is characterized by the release of society from poverty (Carter & Barrett, 2006), (Ghiglino & Sorger, 2002). Prosperity and prosperity are not only the burden of the central government, but the community also has an essential role in development. Therefore, leadership capabilities are needed in order to grow and develop the culture of society through the political role of leadership (Bunge, 1981). Community participation in development contributes to the achievement of development, positively with various forms of participation (Cornwall, 2008); (Daley & Marsiglia, 2000). The central government can function to provide direction and policy, while at the Village level, it is necessary to translate into activities techniques that are easy to implement and based on village potential.

Independent village development can be done by optimizing the functions of various resources owned by the village and linking them with various resources outside the village. Every village has religious resources, both individuals and groups, institutions and individuals. The ability of the village head to maximize the functions of various potentials can accelerate the achievement of village development goals. Social empowerment relates to leadership, policies and strategies, empowerment processes, driving factors, involvement/participation, creativity and innovation, results. In practice, human resources are the basis of the wealth of an organization (Sukontamarn, 2006), (Arsiyah, Ribawanto, & Sumartono, 2009), (Wang & Dai, 2013).

Not many village governments have taken advantage of all the potential; internal-external for village development and development. Universities need to do collaborative work with various parties to empower villages based on village potential. The lecturers have the opportunity to facilitate several villages as a form of service. This research is only a small example that integrates teaching, research, and service to empower village-based four pillars of gold development, namely; efficient and accountable government management, village economic development, integrated environmental management, and community character. The program and activities are focused on the four pillars, and the community is facilitated to develop a plan of activities that can be carried out collaboratively based on the internal and external potential of the village community. The village head has an essential role in achieving the program objectives, and the need to develop the village must come from the village head, he must have a strong vision and loyalty to make it happen. The factors of local community leaders more determine some of the villages that have succeeded, they have the nature of always learning and increasing their knowledge (The World Bank & World Bank, 1999) (Bebbington, Dharmawan, Fahmi, & Guggenheim, 2006).

The purpose of this service research is to describe programs and activities that make independent communities in village development; analyze the efficiency and effectiveness of programs and activities in establishing rural communities. The independence of the village in this service is measured by the ability of the community in maximizing the function of the potential of the internal and external communities that are developed by including the community as much as possible to participate actively. Positive local cultural values ​​in the community are cultivated and preserved and serve as the moral basis for all components of the village community. The local cultural values ​​in question include; cooperation, involved, and help each other in the aspects of thought, energy, and material. The village head instills awareness of the values of the local community in developing and developing his village, through collaboration with various community leaders, religious leaders, and academic figures.

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