Influence of Perceived Benefits and Risks on Consumers' Perceived Value in Online Shopping: An Empirical Study

Influence of Perceived Benefits and Risks on Consumers' Perceived Value in Online Shopping: An Empirical Study

Chandra Sekhar Patro
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 25
DOI: 10.4018/IJABE.2019070102
(Individual Articles)
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Over the past years, the business-to-customer online shopping market has grown rapidly and changed the business pattern. In order to differentiate themselves from competition, marketers have adopted e-business to provide superior service that satisfies consumers and ultimately create consumers' perceived value. The benefits of e-shopping also come with potential risks that the consumers must be aware of. One of the biggest challenges of e-stores is attracting enough online customers to be profitable and survive. That is why a shift in buying behaviour and attitude of consumers toward e-shopping is a key to success of e-stores. The present study focuses on identifying the key factors influencing consumers' perceived benefits and risks while shopping online. Further, the study presents the impact of perceived benefits and perceived risk on perceived value of e-shoppers. The results of the study will be useful to the e-marketing organizations to understand the consumers' behaviour particularly, in the Indian context and design strategies to provide higher customer value.
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Literature Background

The study provides the review of select literature in the area of consumers’ perceived benefits and risks that have an influence on consumers’ perceived value while making an online purchase to have a thorough understanding of the conceptual constructs and empirical research.

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