Information-Driven Framework for Collaborative Business Service Modelling

Information-Driven Framework for Collaborative Business Service Modelling

Thang Le Dinh, Thanh Thoa Pham Thi
DOI: 10.4018/jssmet.2012010101
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In the context of a network of enterprises, the competitive advantage of each enterprise depends greatly on the ability to use network architectures to collaborate efficiently in business services. The paper introduces a conceptual framework, called the CBSM (Collaborative Business Service Modelling) framework, which provides an intellectual foundation for understanding thoroughly and modelling effectively collaborative business services. The paper begins by presenting the necessity for and principles of the conceptual framework. Then it presents the architecture of the CBSM framework that consists of three different levels: the service level for service operation, the service system level for service creation, and the service value creation network level for service proposal. The paper continues with a discussion and review of the relevant literature, followed by the conclusion and suggestions for further research.
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This section provides the definition and characteristics of different aspects of service science that serve as the background for current research in business service design.

Service Science, Management and Engineering

The service economy refers to the service sector, which has become the most important economic sector, surpassing traditional sectors such as agriculture and manufacturing (Lusch et al., 2008). As the dominant role of the service sector has become obvious, there is a need for a new science of service systems, which aims to increase service innovation by applying scientific understanding, engineering discipline and management practices to understanding and working with service systems (Maglio et al., 2008).

Service Science, Management, and Engineering (SSME) is a term used to describe service science as a trans-disciplinary approach to the study, design, and implementation of service systems (Spohrer et al., 2007; Maglio et al., 2008). SSME is comprised of three elements: science, management and engineering. The science component deals with the structure of service systems and clarifies the process of service creation and the application of competencies in an economic entity for the benefit of other entities. The management component concerns techniques to improve business services through effective management. The engineering component covers the invention of new technologies to improve the quality of existing business services and create new, innovative ones.

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