Information Systems Effectiveness in Small Businesses: Extending a Singaporean Model in Canada

Information Systems Effectiveness in Small Businesses: Extending a Singaporean Model in Canada

Ana Ortiz de Guinea, Helen Kelley, M. Gordon Hunter
Copyright: © 2005 |Pages: 25
DOI: 10.4018/jgim.2005070104
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This study examines the applicability of the Thong, Yap, and Raman (1996) model of information systems (IS) effectiveness tested among Singaporean small businesses in a Canadian context. The model evaluates the importance of managerial support and external expertise (vendors and consultants) for IS effectiveness. This study extends the Thong et al. model by adding an intention of expansion construct. The sample included 105 small business users of IS in a small city in western Canada. The results show that both managerial and vendor support are essential for effective IS in Canadian small businesses, and supported part of the relations between IS effectiveness and intention of expansion. Overall, the results suggest that managers should engage quality vendors to obtain IS that contribute to the specific goals of the small business. The results of the Canadian study were, for the most part, similar to the results reported in the Singaporean study; however, a few notable differences appear to exist.

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