Integrating Caching Techniques in CDNs using a Classification Approach

Integrating Caching Techniques in CDNs using a Classification Approach

George Pallis, Konstantinos Stamos, Athena Vakali, Charilaos Thomas, George Andreadis
DOI: 10.4018/jbdcn.2008100101
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Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) provide an efficient support for serving “resource-hungry” applications while minimizing the network impact of content delivery as well as shifting the traffic away from overloaded origin servers. However, their performance gain is limited since the storage space in CDN’s servers is not used optimally. In order to manage their storage capacity in an efficient way, we integrate caching techniques in CDNs. The challenge is to decide which objects would be devoted to caching so as the CDN’s server may be used both as a replicator and as a proxy server. In this article, we propose a nonlinear, nonparametric model which classifies the CDN’s server cache into two parts. Through a detailed simulation environment, we show that the proposed technique can yield significant reduction in user-perceived latency as compared with other heuristic schemes.

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