Integrating Mobile Mixed Reality to Enhance Learning Before, During, and After Physical Field Trips

Integrating Mobile Mixed Reality to Enhance Learning Before, During, and After Physical Field Trips

Kathryn MacCallum, David Parsons
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 11
DOI: 10.4018/IJMBL.304456
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Physical field trips have long been used in education, but virtual field trips are increasingly being used to enhance them. This article focuses on the use of mixed reality to enhance a physical field trip before, during, and after the field experience as part of a project in teacher professional development. The context is a field trip to a landfill site, where students learn about waste management, recycling, and sustainability. Building on several different themes from the literature to create a single model of pre-, intra-, and post-field trip digital learning activities, three scenarios are outlined: One where a virtual field trip is used prior to a physical field trip to prepare students for their visit, a second where an augmented reality experience is used during the physical field trip, and a third where students build on their experience of virtual reality to create their own virtual tours. The article highlights how mobile mixed reality offers new ways to deepen the field trip learning experience through student- and teacher-created digital artifacts.
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Background - Physical And Virtual Field Trips

Physical field trips, where students visit real-world locations as part of their learning, are a well-established feature of education in many countries, where students visit museums, theatres, zoos, and historical sites - activities that can have many valuable learning outcomes (Greene, Kisida & Bowen, 2014). Field trips have the potential to connect students to their learning situated in a real environment, promoting students’ engagement, and supporting collaborative learning. Previous studies have shown that field trip experiences provide opportunities both for cognitive and affective psychomotor learning (Seifan, Dada & Berenjian, 2019; Houser, et. al., 2011) and enable students to develop thinking skills and prepare a substructure for their future learning (DeWitt and Storksdieck, 2008) while the real-world learning helps them to develop transferable skills (Scott, Fuller & Gaskin, 2006).

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