Intervention Planning in ITIL Context: Constraint-Based Modeling and Symmetry-Based Filtering Techniques

Intervention Planning in ITIL Context: Constraint-Based Modeling and Symmetry-Based Filtering Techniques

Mounir Ketata, Zied Loukil, Faiez Gargouri
DOI: 10.4018/IJSSMET.2021070106
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In incident management and especially in after-sales services, customer interventions must be planned according to a priority order set by service level agreements as well as the availability of both technicians and clients. Despite the availability of incident management software solutions, intervention planning is still performed manually in most solutions because numerous constraints must be considered such as the synchronization of technician skills and customer requests, their availability, and the customer priorities. The intervention planning problem is considered as a difficult combinatorial optimization issue. Various approaches have been proposed in the literature including the transformation of this problem into a vehicle routing problem (VRP) or into a CSP in the context of ITIL framework. Yet, the resolution of this problem with a classical CSP solver is time consuming and must be optimized by proposing filtering rules or specific heuristics. This paper proposes the improved CSP and COP models for intervention planning problem with implementing filtering rules and techniques.
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2. Intervention Planning Problem

The problem is about interventions that need to be assigned to technicians to serve geographically dispersed clients who need interventions according to a specified order. The main constraints that describe this problem are listed as follows:

  • The skills of each technician

  • The skills and time needed to serve each client taking account of his problem

  • The time required to travel from one customer to another for each pair(ci, cj) of customers

  • The time needed to go from headquarters to each client

  • The time window representing the availability of each customer

  • The time window representing the availability of each technician

  • The deadline for the intervention

  • The priority of the client depending on the degree of urgency of the intervention.

The planning must respect the following constraints: Therefore,

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