Job Satisfaction and Motivation Study of Distinct Gender Perspective in IT Sector

Job Satisfaction and Motivation Study of Distinct Gender Perspective in IT Sector

Vinita Sinha, Shashi Bhatt
DOI: 10.4018/IJHCITP.2020100101
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Organizations function as social systems where human resources are the most vital factors for performance and success. They have realized the need for a motivated and diverse set of employees to achieve milestones at an accelerated pace. At the same time, women in the male-dominated information technology industry are perceived to face unique challenges and use distinct coping strategies affecting their motivation and retention. Both primary and secondary data was collected for the research work. Secondary data was collected from journals, newspapers, magazines on the subject and the internet sources. Primary data was collected from the IT professionals of both genders. The primary instrument for data collection was a survey through structured questionnaire (see Appendix). The method used in the study was random sampling. Collected data was processed, analyzed, and interpreted to draw the valid inferences. Gender perspectives on motivating factors, changes in HR policies for IT professionals, strategy and tactics are suggested to address the situation.
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Every company is driven to success by its workforce and the fuel that keeps the workforce in prime form are job satisfaction and motivation. There are many aspects that come together to create job satisfaction such as working conditions, growth, opportunity etc. A satisfied employee is motivated to do better. Every employee is different and unique so their job satisfaction and motivation needs are different too. Wiley (1997) argued that employers must understand what motivates employees; they must also emphasize employees' satisfaction. This is essential to improve productivity and ensure organization’s success (UK Essays, 2015). Furthermore, Lange et al. (2006) Employers often try to categorize employees based on experience, job profile, designations etc. to create a strategy to ensure they are satisfied in their jobs and motivated to achieve more. However, it is a tight rope walk when it comes to balancing the needs and privileges associated with gender.

The present study attempts to analyze the issues of opportunities and constraints the women employees face in the Information Technology sector in India. IT sector, through its employment, contributes substantially to women empowerment. Its employment potential provides inspiration to female students to take up technical and professional courses with an eye to the job market Bhattacharyya and Ghosh (2012).. Hence, this study will try and identify if there is a gap between the perception and reality of both genders with respect to their job satisfaction and motivation levels. The gender perspective at various levels of management will also be explored with respect to job satisfaction and motivation. The study is unique as it utilizes the ‘Job Characteristic Theory’ proposed by Hackman and Oldham (1975) as a tool to calculate the MPS (Motivating Potential Score) of two Gender working in IT. Sector to find out if the score is significantly different to be considered by the policy makers to re design the working environment of the diverse workforce so as to engage them better helping to perform at their best. As effective HR function can always make a positive difference to the company’s recruitment policies by creating and managing diversity in the workplace.

Job motivation and satisfaction affects the productivity, performance and commitment of the employees in every organization. Hence, understanding factors affecting motivation and job satisfaction is essential.

The research undertaken by academics at the Management College of Southern Africa concluded that organizations can be successful in creating meaningful products only if their staff is satisfied and well- motivated to do the assigned work.

The study Mancosa (2017) also reveals that happy employees are more enthusiastic and display high levels of performance and productivity. While disgruntled employees show signs of low productivity, turnover and frequent absenteeism from work. Hence, there is a need for internal organizational research to determine the relationship between motivation, job satisfaction, teamwork (both gender), group dynamics, leadership and employee performance.

According to Gracia and Cheekay (2005) the gender of employees tends to significantly affect their job motivation and job performance in the workplace. Women often find themselves in rooms full of men whether we look at startup founders, investors or people in computing and technical roles. Bimba and Kaliyamoorthy (1991) describes the glass ceiling as the invisible barriers of women employees when they can see their elite positions but they cannot reach them. This glass ceiling effect makes the women feel that they are not worthy to hold higher positions in the organizations. The unfulfilled career expectations among women can spread depression and stress which can be demotivating.

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