JomMachineLearning: Bringing Artwork Nearer With DesignLab

JomMachineLearning: Bringing Artwork Nearer With DesignLab

K.M. Liow, P.S. Joseph Ng, H.C. Eaw
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/IJBSA.20210401.oa5
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When a user intends to custom make a name card, the very first step that the printing service provider would ask for is their name card design artwork, yet users do not have their name card design artwork. The client would feel frustrated with the designer to create artwork that does not meet their requirements. The designer would also feel the same as the artwork has been rejected regularly by the client. From the primary data survey result, most respondents agreed that they have a clear idea in mind but have difficulty expressing their idea to the designer. The opinions concluded from the interviews would there be another choice for the user to design an artwork besides hiring a designer. This study has proposed a designer matching platform to match the client's preference and designer's talent and an online artwork design editor as an additional option for the user.
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1. Introduction

1.1 Printing e-Commerce Platform

E-commerce, in simple words, is buying and selling goods/ services online. Print companies individuals who want self-service and more convenient way to purchase items or products in their daily life. As more and more business apply the O2O approach to satisfy their customer’s procurement needs, so must printing companies to follow the trends otherwise would fall behind the times. The capability to offer effective online-services for ordering online could significantly bring the printing companies business ahead than other competitors (Collins, W. et al., 2018).

1.2 Graphic Design Sector

Graphic design is one of the important elements of the printing company. Basically, graphic design is the creative visual arts that encompass in many areas. It could be applied to typography, art direction, page layout, advertisement and other creative aspects (Ambrose, G., et al., 2019). Without the graphic design artwork, it would be impossible to print the necessary item or products based on the user’s need.

Nowadays, an innovative advancement in the digital age has revolutionized and comprehended the processes of print production. Merchants, for instance, typesetting and artwork preparation have fallen behind the times, whereby the job could be replaced by a graphic designer. As a result, the graphic design sector has formed into a multifunctional role that the designer could be playing certain roles in the creation procedure.

This job requests the need to communicate adequately with a wide range of experts. In that capacity, the job scope of a designer’s responsibilities now includes print purchasing, website programming, photography, materials selection, art direction, freehand illustration, computer-generated illustration (CGI), project management, client account management, storyboarding, editing and pre-press production (Ambrose, G. et al.,2019).


2. Issue And Problem Statement

In this thesis, with cooperate with a, a Malaysia online printing startup, as the demands for the printing request has increased; the problems with design artwork appear to be a difficult issue for them.

2.1 Low Design and Process Efficiency

In the design process, often have the issues that the designer’s work been rejected by the client. This is mainly due to the client have no idea what they want, and the designer also does not know the style of art that the client would like. Therefore, results in a longer time taken to complete a design that the client like and lead to lots of time wasted.

2.2 Poor Customer Experiences

The client who does not have a proper artwork for print often request whether have the ready-print template design for them. While does not provide any sample or ready-print template to convenience the client, they would assign a designer to design for their client. The process of design and being rejected would keep the cycle until the client is satisfied with the designer’s work.

2.3 Operation Costs Increased

Most of the time the clients do not have a proper artwork that is ready for print due to this printing industry was a bit complicated. As a simple vector and bitmap types of artwork would produce a different kind of finishing, yet, and often hard to explain to the clients their differences as these are the terminology often used in the industry. This result in the cost of communication with the client increased. Besides, it is time-consuming to check the artwork of the client which does not fulfil the requirement of the printing standard and communicate with the client.

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