Mathematical Representation of Quality of Service (QoS) Parameters for Internet of Things (IoT)

Mathematical Representation of Quality of Service (QoS) Parameters for Internet of Things (IoT)

Sandesh Mahamure, Poonam N. Railkar, Parikshit N. Mahalle
Copyright: © 2017 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/IJRSDA.2017070107
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Now we are in the era of ubiquitous computing. Internet of things (IoT) is getting matured in various parts of the world. In coming few years' billions and trillions of things will be connected to the internet. To deal with these huge number of devices in a network we need to consider Quality of Service (QoS)parameters so that system operations can be performed in a smoother way. Mathematical modelling of these QoS parameters gives an idea about which factors are needs to consider while designing any IoT-enabled system at the same time it will give the performance analysis of the system before implementation. In this paper comprehensive literature survey is done to discuss various issues related to QoS and gap analysis is also done for IoT Enabled systems. This paper proposes general steps to build a mathematical model for a system. It also proposes the mathematical model for QoS parameters like reliability, communication complexities, latency and aggregation of data for IoT. To support proposed mathematical model proof of concept also given.
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2. Qos Overview

As we know IoT is communication network in which devices are connected via the internet. In such huge networks, we need to think about various performance parameter in order to improve the quality of service. QoS parameters are helpful for measuring the quality of the system performance. There arevarious quality parameters we have to consider in this work.

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