Mobile Government Services and Resident Satisfaction: Evaluation of Kahramaa Mobile Services

Mobile Government Services and Resident Satisfaction: Evaluation of Kahramaa Mobile Services

Mohammed Adel Al Najjar, Assem Alabdelqader, Emad Ahmed Abu-Shanab
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/IJEGR.2019040103
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The success of any mobile service depends on the perceived efficiency and effectiveness of using the service. This research article attempts to evaluate the factors influencing the effectiveness and efficiency of the Kahramaa mobile service, where both influence users' satisfaction. From a system's features perspective, timeliness and availability were significant predictors of efficiency, accuracy, and usability were significant predictors of effectiveness. Accessibility and reliability failed to influence efficiency and effectiveness respectively. Structural equation modeling was used to estimate the research model and explained 61.7% of the variance in satisfaction. The article reports valuable insights for public officials and researchers based on a system's features perspective. Conclusions and implications are reported at the end.
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2. Literature Review

Various scholars have described the concept of mobile government (m-government) differently. Liu et al. (2014) and Rees and San Fernando (2016) describe m-government as a group of services involving the use of mobile telephones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), laptop computers, and wireless internet infrastructure. On the other hand, many researchers view m-government as a sub-set of electronic government (Abu-Shanab & Haider, 2015; Faisal & Talib, 2016; Shareef et al., 2012). In particular, it stands for the use of wireless and mobile communication technology within the government administration as well as in its delivery of information and services to companies and citizens (same sources).

The main feature of m-government is that it has the potential of enabling the government to make public information and government services available to citizens anytime and anywhere (Faisal & Talib, 2016). M-government is a new innovative way for governments to communicate with citizens and businesses through a highly flexible channel in terms of location and time. The researchers assert that m-government complements e-government models and that it should never be viewed as a substitute for it (Carter and Belanger, 2011; Liu et al., 2014).

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