Multi-Cloud Adoption Challenges for the Cloud-Native Era: Best Practices and Solution Approaches

Multi-Cloud Adoption Challenges for the Cloud-Native Era: Best Practices and Solution Approaches

Pethuru Raj Chelliah, Chellammal Surianarayanan
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 30
DOI: 10.4018/IJCAC.2021040105
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With the ready availability of appropriate technologies and tools for crafting hybrid clouds, the move towards employing multiple clouds for hosting and running various business workloads is garnering subtle attention. The concept of cloud-native computing is gaining prominence with the faster proliferation of microservices and containers. The faster stability and maturity of container orchestration platforms also greatly contribute towards the cloud-native era. This paper guarantees the following contributions: 1) It describes the key motivations for multi-cloud concept and implementations. 2) It also highlights various key drivers of the multi-cloud paradigm. 3) It presents a brew of challenges that are likely to occur while setting up multi-cloud. 4) It elaborates the proven and potential solution approaches to solve the challenges. The technology-inspired and tool-enabled solution approaches significantly simplify and speed up the adoption of the fast-emerging and evolving multi-cloud concept in the cloud-native era.
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Multi-Cloud Phenomenon For Real And Sustainable Digital Transformation

We often hear, read and sometimes experience the unique implications of digital innovation, disruption and transformation. Digital technologies and tools are becoming pervasive and persuasive. Nations across the globe are competing with one another in observing and absorbing the digital processes, platforms, and practices to build next-generation smarter systems that are inherently sensitive, perceptive, decision-making, responsive and active. All kinds of business establishments are eagerly strategizing to be elegantly digitized in their operations, offerings, and outputs. People are being made aware of the significant impacts of the digitization (edge) technologies. This technology-enablement ultimately results in a staggering amount of digitized entities (smart objects or sentient materials) ready to join in mainstream computing. These digitized elements have the innate wherewithal (internally and externally provided) to interact intelligently producing terabytes and petabytes of multi-structured data.

Now with the emergence of a bevy of powerful digital technologies, we have the state-of-the-art IT infrastructures (software-defined cloud environments), the large-scale realization of connected and embedded devices (edge or fog device clouds), a growing array of integrated and insightful data analytics platforms to extract actionable insights in time, a litany of cutting-edge tools for knowledge discovery and dissemination, accelerated software engineering through containerization and orchestration solutions, the unearthing of pioneering machine and deep learning for smarter and sophisticated software applications, etc. IT organizations are equally keen on bringing forth an arsenal of digitalization-enablement solutions and services. Institutions, innovators and individuals are overwhelmingly convinced about the tactic as well as strategic implications of digital disruptions and innovations. The articulation and accentuation of digital transformation is definitely on the climb with the enhanced understanding of the business, technical and user benefits of digital technologies such as cloud computing, data analytics (big, fast and streaming), enterprise mobility, the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), microservices architecture, digital twins, block chain, etc.

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