New Optimal Solutions for Real-Time Reconfigurable Periodic Asynchronous Operating System Tasks with Minimizations of Response Time

New Optimal Solutions for Real-Time Reconfigurable Periodic Asynchronous Operating System Tasks with Minimizations of Response Time

Hamza Gharsellaoui, Mohamed Khalgui, Samir Ben Ahmed
Copyright: © 2012 |Pages: 44
DOI: 10.4018/ijsda.2012100105
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Scheduling tasks is an essential requirement in most real-time and embedded systems, but leads to unwanted central processing unit (CPU) overheads. The authors present a real-time schedulability algorithm for preemptable, asynchronous and periodic reconfigurable task systems with arbitrary relative deadlines, scheduled on a uniprocessor by an optimal scheduling algorithm based on the earliest deadline first (EDF) principles and on the dynamic reconfiguration. A reconfiguration scenario is assumed to be a dynamic automatic operation allowing addition, removal or update of operating system’s (OS) functional asynchronous tasks. When such a scenario is applied to save the system at the occurrence of hardware-software faults, or to improve its performance, some real-time properties can be violated. The authors propose an intelligent agent-based architecture where a software agent is used to satisfy the user requirements and to respect time constraints. The agent dynamically provides precious technical solutions for users when these constraints are not verified, by removing tasks according to predefined heuristic, or by modifying the worst case execution times (WCETs), periods, and deadlines of tasks in order to meet deadlines and to minimize their response time. They implement the agent to support these services which are applied to a Blackberry Bold 9700 and to a Volvo system and present and discuss the results of experiments.
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1. Introduction

Today in academy and manufacturing industry, many research works have been made dealing with real-time scheduling of embedded control systems. The new generations of these systems are addressing today new criteria as flexibility and agility. To reduce their cost, these systems have to be changed and adapted to their environment without any disturbance.

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