Palming the Future: E-Government Strategy Development for a Tertiary Education Organisation

Palming the Future: E-Government Strategy Development for a Tertiary Education Organisation

Judith Symonds
Copyright: © 2006 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/jcec.2006100102
(Individual Articles)
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Trans Training is a tertiary education organisation concerned with the provision of quality driving training for the commercial road transport, logistics, distribution, warehousing, ports and stevedoring industry sectors. At present much of their service delivery to agents, clients and trainees is administered manually. This process is slow, inefficient and allows many opportunities for errors to creep into the enrolment process. eGovernment offers the Industry Training Organisation the potential for improved service delivery and client and trainee satisfaction as well as several interesting value-adding opportunities. However, there are several challenges to adopting an eGovernment strategy including security concerns, privacy concerns and acceptance of coordination of technological investments. Many of the challenges for eGovernment strategy occur at the point where theory is applied by individual organisations and this is not covered by the literature. Readers are given the opportunity to explore some of the realities of eGoverment strategy in this case study.

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