Personalized Chunk Framework for High Performance Personalized Web

Personalized Chunk Framework for High Performance Personalized Web

K S. Shailesh, Suresh Pachigolla Venkata
Copyright: © 2017 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/IJWP.2017010104
(Individual Articles)
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Dividing the web site page content or web portal page into logical chunks is one of the prominent methods for better management of web site content and for improving web site's performance. While this works well for public web page scenarios, personalized pages have challenges with dynamic data, data caching, privacy and security concerns which pose challenges in creating and caching content chunks. Web portals has huge dependence on personalized data. In this paper the authors have introduced a novel concept called “personalized content chunk” and “personalized content spot” that can be used for segregating and efficiently managing the personalized web scenarios. The authors' experiments show that performance can be improved by 30% due to the personalized content chunk framework.
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In the remaining portions of the introduction section we will look at state of the art methods along with related work and the significance of the work. We will discuss the complete details of the personalized content chunk framework, process steps, caching design in the “Method” section. In “Results” section we will look at the benchmarked results of performance numbers at various user load and content metrics. Finally, we will discuss the significance of results, explanation of the main findings, threats to validity and future scope of improvements in “discussion” section.

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