Perspectives of Fuzzy Logic and Their Applications

Perspectives of Fuzzy Logic and Their Applications

Shivlal Mewada
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 47
DOI: 10.4018/IJDA.2021010105
(Individual Articles)
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Fuzzy logic is a highly suitable and applicable basis for developing knowledge-based systems in engineering and applied sciences. The concepts of a fuzzy number plays a fundamental role in formulating quantitative fuzzy variable. These are variable whose states are fuzzy numbers. When in addition, the fuzzy numbers represent linguistic concepts, such as very small, small, medium, and so on, as interpreted in a particular contest, the resulting constructs are usually called linguistic variables. Each linguistic variable the states of which are expressed by linguistic terms interpreted as specific fuzzy numbers is defined in terms of a base variable, the value of which are real numbers within a specific range. A base variable is variable in the classical sense, exemplified by the physical variable (e.g., temperature, pressure, speed, voltage, humidity, etc.) as well as any other numerical variable (e.g., age, interest rate, performance, salary, blood count, probability, reliability, etc.). Logic is the science of reasoning. Symbolic or mathematical logic is a powerful computational paradigm. Just as crisp sets survive on a 2-state membership (0/1) and fuzzy sets on a multistage membership [0 - 1], crisp logic is built on a 2-state truth-value (true or false) and fuzzy logic on a multistage truth-value (true, false, very true, partly false and so on). The author now briefly discusses the crisp logic and fuzzy logic. The aim of this paper is to explain the concept of classical logic, fuzzy logic, fuzzy connectives, fuzzy inference, fuzzy predicate, modifier inference from conditional fuzzy propositions, generalized modus ponens, generalization of hypothetical syllogism, conditional, and qualified propositions. Suitable examples are given to understand the topics in brief.
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3. Classical Logic

In the algebra of sets it has been observed that there are some certain primitive concepts associated with undefined terms. The terms true, false, and preposition (Statement) are taken here as undefined.

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