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TopThe Challenges Of The Pervasive System
The most accurate and the most used definition of the pervasive system is resolved by Augustin research works (Agoston et al., 2001); “…pervasive system makes information available anywhere and anytime…” These systems must be used in different contexts depending on the user's environment and the user's profile as well as the used terminal. Among the pervasive system characteristics; (i) the use of lightweight, controllable and wireless devices, (ii) the network architectures with an automatic configuration and (iii) the high distributed environment with a heterogeneity, mobile and an autonomous structure.
In contrast to the traditional information systems, these new systems integrate different mobile devices with different hardware and software capabilities and other useful features for this system type (Chaari et al., 2007). In fact, with these systems, the mobile phone, for example, is no longer used for simple communication. PDAs are no longer just a planning and organization gadgets. The pocket PCs are no longer isolated from the Internet. These devices must interact according to their contexts of use in order to meet the user's need. Accordingly, a traveler can check and send his documents according to the characteristics of the wireless networks available in an airport, a patient can make an appointment with his doctor from his PDA. A manager can view the status of his work at home. In addition, the pervasive information system designers must provide an architecture and a mechanism to store, retrieve and, efficiently, send the most relevant information to the user irrespective of location, time and the equipment that he uses. The pervasive system is presented as the next step after the distributed and the mobile system (Khalfi et al., 2014). It must meet the following requirements: