Research on the Influence of a New Media Mobile Terminal on Learner Participation and Autonomous Learning Ability

Research on the Influence of a New Media Mobile Terminal on Learner Participation and Autonomous Learning Ability

Yuling Liu, Juliana Aida Abu Bakar, Asmidah Binti Alwi
DOI: 10.4018/IJVPLE.349912
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Due to the rapid development of internet technology, the field of education is undergoing a revolutionary change. The purpose of this study is to explore how new media mobile terminals affect the learning style of college students, paying special attention to the changes in learners' participation and autonomous learning ability. Traditional learning methods have not sufficiently met the needs of contemporary college students, and the rise of new media mobile terminals has provided convenient for learning anytime and anywhere. Digitally competent college students have gradually become less dependent on traditional learning and turned to more independent learning methods. This study will analyze the specific influence of new media mobile terminals on learners' participation and autonomous learning abilities in order to provide useful insights for innovation in education and optimization of college students' learning methods.
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Literature Review

The use of new media mobile terminals has become increasingly prevalent in education, providing learners with new opportunities for autonomous learning and engagement. Huang et al. (2024) present a framework for delivering learning content to mobile learners, highlighting the factors that play a crucial role in this process. This framework emphasizes the importance of learner engagement and autonomous learning ability in the context of mobile learning (Ward et al., 2024). Several studies have explored the relationship between technology use, self-directed learning, and learner engagement (Rogti, 2024). For example, research has shown that technology and social media can enhance self-directed learning skills and student engagement (Wiboolyasarin & Jinowat, 2024). The proliferation of handheld portable devices connected to the internet has brought about new learning opportunities for learners, fostering mobile and autonomous learning (Zhu, 2024). Furthermore, the use of social media and mobile devices has been shown to facilitate communication and engagement among learners (Almalki, 2024). Educational social media platforms, such as Edmodo, have been utilized to enhance the learning process and familiarize students with new media mobile terminals (Lyu & Lai, 2024). In addition to learner engagement, the use of new media mobile terminals has been linked to the development of autonomous learning skills (Nussli et al., 2024). Research has examined the extent to which mobile devices increase learner autonomy, particularly in the context of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) high-school students (Mubinabonu & Sohib, 2024). Moreover, adult learners have reported relying on digital resources and technologies, such as the internet, social media, and mobile devices, when engaging in self-directed learning activities (Rossiter et al., 2024). Overall, the literature suggests that new media mobile terminals play a significant role in promoting learner engagement and autonomous learning ability (Zhang et al., 2024). These technologies have the potential to enhance the learning process and provide learners with new opportunities for self-directed learning (Medina et al., 2024).

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