Research on the Information Construction of Accounting Audit Based on the Big Data of Computer

Research on the Information Construction of Accounting Audit Based on the Big Data of Computer

Dongmei Lin
DOI: 10.4018/IJITWE.2017070107
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For distributed network content audit system, its communication needs have two important aspects. One is how to let the audit rules sent fast to the entire network, the other is the Internet records data transmission of audit nodes among each other. The above two issues are related to the broadcasting of network news and the large-scale data transmission. This article mainly carries on the thorough research on large-scale data transmission and proposes the approach of large-scale data transmission, and puts forward its application method in the distributed network content audit system. For the large-scale data transmission, the main idea to realize it is by dividing the large-scale data into blocks and combining with various transmission routes to transmit. In this paper, the main methods of the current large-scale data transmission are analyzed and the shortcomings are summarized. Based on the algorithm of task allocation in the reference of grid computing, the large-scale data transmission algorithm is put forward based on node performance. This transmission algorithm uses APDG broadcasting algorithm to find relay nodes, and by judging the performance of the relay nodes, segments different size data blocks to the relay nodes for forwarding. The experimental results show that the large-scale data transmission algorithm based on node performance, compared with the current large-scale data transmission algorithm, has better flexibility and transmission performance.
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2. Large-Scale Data Transmission Algorithm

For large data transmission, data block and multi-paths transmission are the important method to improve its efficiency (Riggins & Wamba, 2015). In the process of transmission, multiple relay nodes form a number of transmission paths. This article firstly analyzes the existing large-scale data transmission algorithm, and then points out the shortcomings of the current main large-scale data transmission algorithm. On the basis of the existing large-scale data transmission algorithm, combining the algorithm about task scheduling and allocation in the grid, this paper proposes the large-scale data transmission algorithm based on node performance blocks, and then does analysis and simulation experiment of the algorithm.

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