Problem-Based Learning
Problem-based methods for education have had a rich history of promoting learning that is based on experience. Research and theory alike in psychology show that by giving students the chance to learn with the help of experience that comes of solving problems, they may get to learn strategies both regarding content as well as thinking. Problem-based learning (PBL) is a method of instruction that helps students learn via facilitated problem solving techniques. In PBL, students learn through complex problems that are not defined by a lone correct solution or answer. Instead, students get to work in collaborating groups to identify knowledge they will require to be able to solve the particular problem at hand. In the process, students practice self-directed learning (SDL) and they then apply their new-found knowledge to the particular problem they face, and subsequently, reflect on whatever they have learnt, and the efficacy of the methods involved. The instructor’s role in a PBL setting is to facilitate the students’ learning processes rather than spoon-feeding them with the knowledge. The main objectives of PBL include assisting students to develop flexibility of knowledge, effectiveness of problem-solving skills, SDL-related skills, effectiveness in collaboration-related skills, and increased learning motivation that is intrinsic in nature (Hmelo-Silver, C. E., 2004).
There are many benefits of using problem-based learning to improve student learning and to make them better able to face career challenges in the field of visual effects. Students going through PBL as part of their curricula may be expected to be more highly-motivated, better at the art of problem solving and self-directed learning, more adept at learning and recalling information and incorporating their basic scientific knowledge to come up with solutions for problems. But even though some such claims enjoy theoretical support from learning psychology literature, to this day there is little to show in terms of experimental evidence regarding any marked differences in students’ level of learning that may be associated with PBL. But whatever evidence there is in this regard points to the following claims: that PBL is actually not a sure-fire method to improve general problem-solving skills of students. PBL based curricula causes students to have better retention of knowledge even if the learning curve experiences a relatively slower rise at the start. On the other hand, PBL based curricula does help to improve both; the incorporation of basic scientific knowledge into problem solving and the transferring of derived knowledge and concepts to new problems Therefore, PBL more often gives students an intrinsic interest in the underlying concepts of the subject matter, and that PBL improves as well as maintains the students’ SDL skills. (Norman, G. R., & Schmidt, H. G., 1992).