RTPA: A Denotational Mathematics for Manipulating Intelligent and Computational Behaviors

RTPA: A Denotational Mathematics for Manipulating Intelligent and Computational Behaviors

DOI: 10.4018/jcini.2008040103
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Real-time process algebra (RTPA) is a denotational mathematical structure for denoting and manipulating system behavioral processes. RTPA is designed as a coherent algebraic system for intelligent and software system modeling, specification, refinement, and implementation. RTPA encompasses 17 metaprocesses and 17 relational process operations. RTPA can be used to describe both logical and physical models of software and intelligent systems. Logic views of system architectures and their physical platforms can be described using the same set of notations. When a system architecture is formally modeled, the static and dynamic behaviors performed on the architectural model can be specified by a three-level refinement scheme at the system, class, and object levels in a top-down approach. RTPA has been successfully applied in real-world system modeling and code generation for software systems, human cognitive processes, and intelligent systems.

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