Semantic Annotation of Web of Things Using Entity Linking

Semantic Annotation of Web of Things Using Entity Linking

Ismail Nadim, Yassine El Ghayam, Abdelalim Sadiq
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/IJBAN.2020100101
(Individual Articles)
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The web of things (WoT) improves syntactic interoperability between internet of things (IoT) devices by leveraging web standards. However, the lack of a unified WoT data model remains a challenge for the semantic interoperability. Fortunately, semantic web technologies are taking this challenge over by offering numerous semantic vocabularies like the semantic sensor networks (SSN) ontology. Although it enables the semantic interoperability between heterogeneous devices, the manual annotation hinders the scalability of the WoT. As a result, the automation of the semantic annotation of WoT devices becomes a prior issue for researchers. This paper proposes a method to improve the semi-automatic semantic annotation of web of things (WoT) using the entity linking task and the well-known ontologies, mainly the SSN.
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Problem Description And Requirements

Within this first section, the authors explains formally the entity linking task and shed light, particularly, on the importance of the features it uses. Formally, given a text document D, a knowledge base KB and N mentions M={IJBAN.2020100101.m01,IJBAN.2020100101.m02,...,IJBAN.2020100101.m03}, M⊂ D. The EL task consists in identifying a set of entities IJBAN.2020100101.m04={IJBAN.2020100101.m05,IJBAN.2020100101.m06,...,IJBAN.2020100101.m07}, IJBAN.2020100101.m08⊂ KB such as: IJBAN.2020100101.m09 represents the referent entity of the mention IJBAN.2020100101.m10, i∈[1,N].

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