Smart Healthcare Apps for Quality Cancer Patient Support

Smart Healthcare Apps for Quality Cancer Patient Support

Angelina Kouroubali, Lefteris Koumakis, Haridimos Kondylakis, Dimitrios G. Katehakis
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 21
DOI: 10.4018/IJBDAH.2020010103
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This paper analyzes the clinical and technological characteristics of cancer mobile apps that enable patients to securely record, manage, and share their information. It proposes an integrated approach towards developing quality mobile health apps for cancer and discusses issues relevant to the enhancement of patient experience and acceptance, adherence to treatment, and effective support of coordinated care. Regulation, standardization, and interoperability together with the existence of useful, accurate, and reliable tools for active patient engagement are important aids towards efficient cancer disease management. Improving quality of life and well-being, in a secure and safe manner that respects the patients' privacy, seems to be a key challenge, together with the exploitation of the outcomes of recent research projects, relevant to end user digital engagement towards an integrated approach for the introduction of trustworthy, interoperable, usable, adaptable, and quality mobile health apps.
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Mobile Health (mHealth) has revolutionized the ability of citizens to manage their own health and personal health data. Personal health record (PHR) systems facilitate the collection of information about an individual’s health and health care, stored in an electronic format intended for use by consumers, patients or their informal caregivers. The electronic health record (EHR) is a more generic term and encompasses the PHR and the electronic medical record (EMR) concepts (Katehakis & Tsiknakis, 2006). PHR systems aim to address patients’ evolving needs using specific methods to improve their care and foresee health issues.

A PHR with cancer modules has been seen as a potentially useful tool for patients in cross-sector cancer care (Kondylakis et al., 2017a). It has the potential to support patients in managing their chronic illness. As a tool, it facilitates information exchange between patients and healthcare professionals as well as between healthcare professionals and/ or institutions across health care sectors. PHR adoption and use in the context of cancer is not yet widespread (Wiljer et al., 2010), however, when it is implemented, PHR use is frequent and increasing (Roehrs et al., 2017).

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